At the heart of Light Upon Light is this special book:
Islam: A Brief Look at Faith and History
"…And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the variations in your languages and your colors; verily in that are Signs for those who know…"
—Holy Quran 30:22

Now available in paperback or digital formats!
"I read and found this book so interesting that I could not put it down until I finished it. It is full of information and wisdom…"
— Akram Bhatti
"…There is a shortage of books on Islamic history, written in English, for the Western audience. This book does justice to the topic in a brief and simplified manner that provides a fair glimpse of the Muslim history…"
— Syed Ahmed
Islam: A Brief Look at Faith and History is published by Light Upon Light for Americans who have a new interest in this ancient religion of the Near East.
This book attempts to explain the multi-dimensionality of Islam as a path of enlightenment among many.
More importantly, Islam—as a religion practiced worldwide—has a diverse and deep history. This history demonstrates how Islam has shaped humanity.
This special book makes the perfect gift for friends, neighbors or just fellow Muslims who want to know a little more about the depth and breadth of their own religion. It contains useful Quranic references, a glossary and recommended reading.
See a preview of the book here.
“…Others will read your book and gain a better understanding of Islam and why it isn't a threat to anyone.”
— Fred & Laurie Swanson
“…it is comprehensive, yet very approachable for the lay person who might not know much about Islam…"
— Diana Hossain